For the best plumbing services in Minneapolis, MN, speak to the helpful and friendly team at Drain Works Plumbing. We’re experts in all aspects of plumbing, whether you need help with a blocked drain or a plumbing company to take care of a burst pipe.

“We Make Plumbing Work,” but that’s more than just a slogan—that’s a promise! No matter what you need from our services, you can be sure all work will be completed to the highest possible standard. We offer emergency services, so whether you’ve got a leaking water heater or your toilet is overflowing, we’ll get to you as quickly as we can. Your plumbing whisks away waste and delivers water where it’s needed, and we want to help keep it that way. From your laundry to your drinking water, our plumbing company can help with your entire system and will ensure everything is flowing perfectly and you have pipes, sewer lines, and appliances you can count on.